
Details of training budget

Monito contributes up to CHF 1,500 (incl. VAT) per calendar year* towards training and professional development expenses that allow you to be better at your job.

This budget can be used for the following types of expenses, as long as they are related to your activity at Monito:

  • attend conferences
  • participate in online courses
  • purchase books or magazines
  • take French or English lessons

If you have any doubt on the above or think there's another learning expense that might fit in here but is not included in the list above, please discuss this with your team lead.

In addition to the listed expenses, the training budget can also be converted into hours, allowing to use Monito's working hours instead of personal time. To consume time on your training budget, you can use the "Training Leave" category in absence.io.

Last, at the end of the year, the training budget leftover for the year can be reported to the following one (but you can't report older leftover).

* This is adjusted on a pro-rata basis in case your employment begins or ends during the calendar year.